Social Stencils A

Designing Fundamentals

James Addison
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Design is everywhere. We observe and encounter design during every moment of our daily lives: the objects we interact with, the spaces where we live, work, and play, the landscapes that surround us, the transportation systems that help us move, the communication systems we use, the streets and cities we navigate... Each human-made artifact tells a unique story of why and how it was created. Design is deeply woven into the history of humankind.

The act of designing physical objects and structures to solve specific challenges and as an expression of culture has existed throughout human history. Early humans carved stone tools for hunting and eating, the Mayan civilization wove thatch roofs to protect from rain, the Romans constructed aqueducts to transport water across cities, the Shang dynasty’s cast ritual bronzes for making tools, the Gandhara’s carved the Bamiyan Buddhas as an expression of spirituality, the Anastasi carving a city beneath a cliff to protect from sun. No matter when something was designed, what was made, or who made it, each was created for a specific purpose.

Design is....?

In this studio, we will explore methods and techniques for designing, design analysis, and design theory. Throughout the studio, we will address three key questions through a series of exercises, presentations, readings, and discussions:

  • What is design?
  • How do we design?
  • How does design shape our world?


Molly Rosenberg

Eat Ugly Cambridge

Kenzie Morris
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Kenzie: Eat Ugly Cambridge is a campaign modeled on the body positivity. This campaign aims to reduce food waste by raising awareness that food thrown away for aesthetic reasons is still tasty and nutritious. In fact, 50% off produce is thrown away before it reaches stores as a result of aesthetic reasons. The Eat Ugly campaign challenges the idea of normative standards of beauty for food and humans. This campaign challenges societal norms in the hope of changing the societal pattern of picking fruits based on aesthetics. Eat Uglys main goal is to encourage people to recognize that "ugly" produce still tastes good. The Eat Ugly Campaign targets consumers with stickers and posters because once companies know that people will buy "ugly" produce, companies will buy it from farmers and stop wasting this fruit. Eat Ugly hopes to strive to inspire self-reflection in the food industry and in consumers, in the hope of changing people's habits and ideas, so that they learn to value taste and nutrition above appearance in food. With success, this campaign will hopefully change societal norms in the effort to reduce waste. 

Dina: The Eat Ugly Cambridge campaign tackles the egregious amount of food waste produced by the American food industry and its consumers. Almost fifty percent of U.S. produce, including what is discarded at various stages of production as well as by sellers and buyers, bypasses stomachs for the landfill. Eat Ugly's promotional materials, parodying the "body positivity” movement that promotes acceptance of humans of all shapes and sizes, will help consumers assess their wasteful habits by questioning societal standards of the appearance of fruits and vegetables. Placing the stickers emblazoned with our slogan, “Eat Ugly,” on the fruit itself is a creative method of reaching consumers. These stickers will direct people to the stylistically similar posters, which display important information about food waste alongside cartoon fruit models. By causing small changes in the behaviors of local shoppers, the Eat Ugly movement rescues produce that would otherwise have been destined for landfills. With enough momentum, the Eat Ugly movement will lessen the pollution generated by excess food production, keep uneaten produce out of landfills, and conserve American land, water, and labor.

8 Things to know

Amro Arida

Arduino Motor Shield Introduction

Aaron Laniosz

#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_MotorShield.h>

Adafruit_MotorShield AFMS = Adafruit_MotorShield();

Adafruit_DCMotor *myMotor = AFMS.getMotor(1);
//Adafruit_DCMotor *myMotor = AFMS.getMotor(2);

void setup() {

void loop() {


This post's privacy is set to Everyone. This post showcases your final design by telling the comprehensive story of how your idea was born, developed, and manifested. The arc of the story should encompass the, How of your project in a compelling narrative. It showcases your design process including your brainstorming, each of your iterations, and your final prototype. It allows the viewer to delve deeply into your process.

  • Every Slide should have a Title and Caption.
    The body of this post is The Brief. You should include a version of the Brief for each collaborator in the project.
  • This post will be used in your review presentation at the end of the session.

You are encouraged to make your narrative as compelling as possible. All of the content below should be included, but if you would like to rearrange the material in order to tell your story differently, work with your coach.


Your presentation is a narrative, and the introduction sets up the scene for that story. Here you introduce the project, say why it is important, and summarize what you did.

TITLE WITH TAGLINE: This slides shows a crisp, clear final image and the title of your project. with a pithy blurb describing the project. The image, name, and tagline should draw a viewer in. 


  • The Fruit - A line following, light tracking robot
  • Segmented Vehicle - A vehicle that conforms to the landscape
  • Cacoon - Wearable sculpture exploring the concept of transformation and death

EVOCATIVE  IMAGE: This is a single image that shows a clear image that evokes the soul of your project. This image helps set up the why in a compelling way, sets the stage for your narrative, and will help frame the entire presentation. The caption of this slide (set with the Edit Captions button when editing your post) should discuss the context of your project. No Text on the slide.

THESIS STATEMENT: This is a TEXT ONLY slide for which briefly describes the Soul and Body of your project. You can use the project description from your Brief or write something new. This statement ties together your narrative.


  • The Cocoon:  A wearable sculpture that explores the concept of transformations and death. The Cocoon explores the spiritual journey beyond the human experience; what it means to be human, how wonder effects us, and the concept of what happens after death.
  • Body Accordion: A musical prosthetic that translates the wearer’s body movements into a dynamic multimedia performance. The Body Accordion converts flex sensor input to sound through Arduino, MaxMSP, and Ableton Live. 
  • Seed to Soup Animation: A whimsical animation about the slow food movement. Seed to Soup showcases a holistic method of cooking. From garden, to kitchen, to dinner table.
  • Antlers: A wearable sculpture inspired by antlers found in the deer and antelope family. "Antlers" explores the comparison between armor and attraction. 


The Process Portion of your presentation tells the story of how you iteratively developed your project. Somewhere in that story you should include conceptual and technical precedents that guided you at each stage as well as brainstorming and process sketches and clear photo booth imagery for 3-4 stages of your process.

This portion is made up of three types of slides repeated 3-4 times. Each iteration in your process should include:

  • PRECEDENTS:  Precedents are any projects that inspired you creatively or gave you technical guidance. These can include conceptual precedents and technical precedents. No Text.
  • SKETCHES/SKETCH CONCEPT DIAGRAMS: These slides show your generative ideas in sketch form. These should clean, clear drawings. A sketch should show a clear idea. Do not simply scan a messy sketchbook page and expect that people will understand. If you do not have a clear concept or working sketches it is fine to make them after the fact. No Text.
  • PROTOTYPE IMAGES:  These are actual images of the prototypes  you documented in your daily posts. These images illustrate your design decisions and how your project changed at each step. No Text.


The Final stage of your presentation is the resolution of your narrative and shows your completed work. The use diagram shows how your project works and the construction diagram shows how it is assembled. Final photos show the project both in action and at rest. The imagery captures your final built design.

USE DIAGRAM: A diagram showing some aspect of the functionality. These can include:

  • How one uses or interacts with the project
  • The overall behavior of the project over time
  • For a complex interactive project, this can be a clear diagram of the software behavior

MECHANICAL DIAGRAM:  A diagram offering insight on how the project is put together and functions technically.

  • Ideally, this will be an exploded axonometric
  • At minimum this can be a labeled disassembled photo  

ELECTRONICS or OTHER DIAGRAM: Additional diagrams showing some important aspect of your design. 

IMAGERY: The last slides should have an images of the final project. These images should be taken in the photo booth, cropped, and adjusted for contrast, brightness, etc. Images should include:

  • An image of the project in use (taken in the booth or at large). This should include a human interacting with the project.
  • Images of project alone. Include at least one overall image and one detail image.
  • You can also use an image In-Use. 
  • Consider using a GIF to show how the project works. 


Design Analysis of Chess

James Addison


Liam Brady

Servos are specialized motors that support precise control. Rather than spinning off to oblivion like a motor, servos let the designer specify exactly where they want the object to rotate to. Most common servos allow for 180º of rotation.

#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo;

void setup() {

void loop() {
  int val = analogRead(A0);
  val = map(val, 0, 1023, 0, 179);



Ultrasonic Sensor (Large)

Liam Brady

Ultrasonic sensors are distance sensors that use sound waves to detect how far away an object is. They send out high frequency bursts of sound and listen for its echo. They then determine how far away the object is based on how long it takes for the sound to return to the sensor. This variety requires an Arduino library to operate.


NewPing Library

#include <NewPing.h>

NewPing mysensor(5, 6, 200);

void setup() {

void loop() {
  int pingTime =;

  int distance = mysensor.ping_in();

  int distance_cm = mysensor.ping_cm();


NeoPixel LED Strip

Liam Brady

LED Strips are individually addressable ribbons of RGB (red green blue) lights, meaning that each light on the ribbon can be controlled by itself and give off any color on the visible color spectrum. Every light on the strip has its own chip onboard that processes commands given to it by the Arduino.


NeoPixel Library

#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>

Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(30, 6, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

void setup() {

void loop() {
  for (int i = 0; i < strip.numPixels();  i++) {
    strip.setPixelColor(i, strip.Color(255, 0, 0));
